What to do if your lower back hurts

The lumbar spine is the part of the back that carries the heaviest loads, carrying the weight of the human body and all the weights he lifts during the day. This is why the strength of the muscular corset of the lower back and its health are of such great importance to the life and mobility of every person. When lower back pain occurs, it is essential to understand the causes of the pain in order to find effective remedies to eliminate it.

To understand what to do when your back hurts in the lumbar region, first of all, you need to understand why this happened. It is best to do this with the help of a qualified specialist, who, based on all the symptoms, can identify the cause of the spinal dysfunction and prescribe effective treatment.

Back pain can not be tolerated, it can seriously affect a person's further mobility. Experts also do not recommend that you try to fix the problem yourself, as this can make the situation worse.

The back is a complex system consisting of many interconnected elements. The harmonious functioning of each of them ensures good mobility of the whole body.

Even if your lower back does not hurt all the time, but occasionally, you should not think that the pain will go away on its own. Painful sensations are always a syndrome that indicates the presence of any disorder. To ignore means to allow the disease to develop and progress.

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Causes of back pain

Considering all the possible causes that can cause low back pain will help you understand what to do next. Most often, back pain can be caused by the following reasons:

  • spinal diseases - scoliosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, spondylosis;
  • suppressed nerves;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • excessive stress on the back;
  • hypothermia or coldness of the lower back;
  • passive lifestyle, poor circulation in the spine;
  • diseases of the internal organs located in the lumbar region;
  • pain during pregnancy.

It is very rare for back pain to appear separately from other symptoms and not be accompanied by any other manifestation. Most often, a person will feel some additional discomfort or changes in body functioning. By the nature of the pain and the accompanying symptoms, the doctor will be able to determine its cause and prescribe what to do next.

For example, if severe acute pain is accompanied by frequent urges to urinate, this may indicate a disorder that is in the nature of renal colic. It is a sign of the development of urolithiasis in the body.

It is very important to tell the specialist in detail when the back pain first started bothering you, how exactly the back pain is expressed, so that the doctor can understand the problem and describe what to do next.

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How to alleviate the situation

If the lower back is diseased, it is imperative to consult a neurologist. Especially if the painful sensations do not go away for a few days and with movement or effort, they intensify. Often times, treatment for a problem in the lumbar region involves the use of medications that reduce inflammation and restore spinal function. In some cases, the use of pain medication is required to relieve muscle spasms and to understand the root causes of the disorder.

Other ways to eliminate lower back pain include:

  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • massage or manual therapy;
  • taking vitamins and calcium to restore bone density;
  • physiotherapy.

Exercise is the most widely used treatment for low back pain because gymnastics can solve the problem quickly and effectively. For each individual case, the doctor may prescribe a different set of exercises that will be most appropriate for treating a particular disease. The basic rule of the patient is to do everything as the specialist said and follow all the recommendations for a speedy recovery.

The newest method of treating back diseases is acupuncture, which is performed according to ancient Chinese traditions. This method allows you to eliminate muscle spasm, activate blood circulation and normalize spinal activity. In rare cases of advanced disease, the doctor will prescribe a surgical intervention to eliminate the problem that has arisen in the lower back.

After the operation, the patient will be prescribed to do therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics, the main purpose of which is to restore the comfortable work of the lower back. However, it should be performed under the strict supervision and supervision of a physician in order to gradually restore muscle activity and strength. If the pain returns, charging should be stopped. Often, the postoperative period is accompanied by taking vitamins or dietary supplements that help the body recover from disease.

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Prevention of diseases of the lower back

When there is back pain, the first thing you need to do is go to the doctor. However, it is much easier to make sure the pain never bothers you. To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules that can be described as a healthy lifestyle.

First, moderate but regular physical activity will guarantee a strong muscular back corset, making it much easier and easier to transfer weights and loads.

Second, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and trace elements, will allow all organs and parts of the body, especially the spine, to be strong and function normally for many years.

Third, a comfortable sleeping place and an orthopedic mattress that ensures the correct distribution of body weight during sleep or rest.

Starting to exercise, you should gradually increase the load and number of exercises in order for the muscles to learn to work. You can do any kind of sport that brings pleasure: running, fitness, swimming, even walking in the fresh air will bring tangible benefits to the body. By taking care of himself and his body, a person will be able to forget any pain for a long time.